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The Environmental Investment Fund (FIE)

The Environmental Investment Fund (FIE) is a fund managed by the Directorate for Territories, Land and the Environment (DTIE) that provides €2m annually to finance environmental projects. Its objective is to fund innovative environmental actions within the French ministry of the Armed Forces  in areas like energy, biodiversity, waste, water and transport management.

In March the DTIE puts out a call for FIE projects. The applications are prepared by local environment officers and must be accompanied by an expert’s opinion on the natural environment concerned for biodiversity projects.

When the applications are received, they are examined and considered by the DTIE on the basis of its priorities and their environmental impact. In November each year, an internal validation committee at the French ministry of the Armed Forces  selects the projects it will fund. The project will then be implemented with or based on the recommendations of the ecology partner.

Once the project is completed, the project sponsors have to write up a report on the outcomes and what they have learned, i.e., produce an account of the successes and any difficulties encountered. This feedback is used to communicate on the projects implemented and to foster the sharing of good practices between military camps.

Débardage de la Ripisylve

Titre : Débardage à cheval pour l’entretien de la ripisylve de la base aérienne de Cazaux (FIE 2019)
Source : © A. Bertolini CEN Aquitaine

The FIE in figures

Since 2020 at least 0

of the FIE enveloppe has been devoted to
